Culture Visit the MOMA: Museum of Modern Art The MOMA (Museum of Modern Art) is, without a doubt, one of the best... Denisse GerardIntern at JMANew York
Leisure Time NY Yankees baseball game, unforgettable experience A great idea for a weekend is to go see an NY Yankees baseball game... Denisse GerardIntern at JMANew York
Leisure Time Hiking the Adirondacks Located in Upstate New York, the Adirondacks are the perfect place to... Denisse GerardIntern at JMANew York
Life in the U.S. Bye to my professional experience in NYC, I will see you soon! Well…my professional experience in NYC comes to an end. It was... Denisse GerardIntern at JMANew York
Curiosities Tribute in Light Every year at dusk on the anniversary of the September 11 terror... Denisse GerardIntern at JMANew York
Leisure Time Broadway Shows – The Lion King Walking through the Theater District can be an intimidating task... Denisse GerardIntern at JMANew York
Leisure Time My family trip to Washington D.C. One of the best things, when you are away from home, is when your... Denisse GerardIntern at JMANew York
Leisure Time SummerStage Time! Summer start with Festivals! Every summer since 1986, a series of free concerts called Summerstage... Denisse GerardIntern at JMANew York
Leisure Time Go Red Bulls! The New Yor Red Bulls are the NYC area’s first team in Major... Denisse GerardIntern at JMANew York
U.S Guide Driver License or State ID? As I was doing my research on how to get an State ID I found out I... Denisse GerardIntern at JMANew York