I remember the day I found out about Architect-US like it was yesterday: Patricia García gave a presentation of the program in the Superior Technical School of Architecture of Madrid when I was a student. As a longtime admirer of US culture, I remember thinking that this could be a great opportunity to live the American Dream while doing what I love – architecture.
About one year after my graduation I applied for the program and was accepted in the pool of candidates in February 2018. I recall receiving the email with the good news close to the end of a long workday… suffice to say my brain shut off immediately and went to celebration mode… only after leaving the office premises (I am a responsible worker).
The road that followed proved to be a lot rockier than I would have expected. After preparing the initial documentation, I was mentally ready to fly out to the States as soon as possible. However, finding a traineeship placement is a process that requires time and patience to find the best fit, both for the candidate and the company. To increase my chances of success, I decided to come to NY in October with the hope of securing my first interviews, and sure enough this decision payed off – I had a very positive first meeting with Plainspace Architecture and Design DPC, and I left New York hopeful that I would return very soon as a J-1 trainee.
Unfortunately, the project that Plainspace wanted me to join the team for did not come to fruition, so it seemed that I was back to square one. However, I enjoyed the discussion I had with them so much that I was not ready to let go just yet, and I am deeply grateful they felt the same way – sure enough, in March 2019 I received an email notifying me that they would like me to join them for an exciting new project… saying I was on cloud nine would be a gross understatement!
Architect-US swiftly dealt with the paperwork and two months later here I am, in the Big Apple. Looking back on the entire process, I realize the importance of patience and perseverance, with a generous dose of luck, of course. I do not know what the next 18 months have in store for me, but I do know that I will make sure to make the most of this wonderful experience, that I feel so lucky to finally live and which I will not take for granted for a second.
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