Life in the U.S. CLOSING STAGES It has been almost an year and Soon I am gong to finish my internship... Stefania SconfienzaIntern at JMANew York
Curiosities NEW YORK FROM THE SKY After living for almost an year in NY I realize that there is always... Stefania SconfienzaIntern at JMANew York
American Culture Halloween in New york, Thank you Architect-US As we all well know in New York there is always something going on... Stefania SconfienzaIntern at JMANew York
American Culture VISITING CONEY ISLAND Part of the experience of living in another country implies accepting... Stefania SconfienzaIntern at JMANew York
Leisure Time SUNSHINE STATE Last week I left New York to start my vacation in Florida, the... Stefania SconfienzaIntern at JMANew York
Leisure Time EXPLORE One of the things I love the most of working in New York is having... Stefania SconfienzaIntern at JMANew York
Culture MUSEUM MILE As we know New York has a variety of options to offer for everyone... Stefania SconfienzaIntern at JMANew York
Leisure Time VISIT TO METLIFE STADIUM This year the event "Copa America" was held in USA and I had the... Stefania SconfienzaIntern at JMANew York
Leisure Time SUMMERTIME Summer is finally here, days are longer and we have the chance to... Stefania SconfienzaIntern at JMANew York
Life in the U.S. My first site visit As part of Architect-US program we, interns, are encourage to start... Stefania SconfienzaIntern at JMANew York