Leisure Time “RUNNING NY” City of runners NYC is indeed a very active city and a very sporty... María DiezTrainee at Nelligan WhiteNew York
Life in the U.S. Dear and Frozen January Hello Winter January is the month the cold finally really came to... María DiezTrainee at Nelligan WhiteNew York
Life in the U.S. “Settling in The City” What an exciting month has been! Arriving in The City I arrived in... María DiezTrainee at Nelligan WhiteNew York
Landing in the U.S. Visa approved! OMW to the Big Apple! I´m still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I´m going to... María DiezTrainee at Nelligan WhiteNew York
American Culture Springish NY Spring´s here March has been such a month. First days of the season... María DiezTrainee at Nelligan WhiteNew York
Life in the U.S. “Happiness in The City” Already March? Omg, I cannot believe it is almost March already! This... María DiezTrainee at Nelligan WhiteNew York
Life in the U.S. Sweet city. Cravings If you are a sweet lover person, if you are that person that... María DiezTrainee at Nelligan WhiteNew York