Asheville is a town with a population of almost 90.000. The town is located in the Blue Ridge Mountains, in North Carolina and because it is located in the mountains, the weather is constantly changing. This means that even if you look the weather forecast most of the times it will be a complete guess with few chances of becoming into reality.
The other day at work someone was joking and saying that in Asheville it is possible to experience the four seasons in one day. It goes from completely sunny to great amounts of rain in just few minutes. Now the temperatures have drop considerably, to the point that one day I woke up and it was starting to snow. It was on a Friday and as soon as I got to work, half of the staff did not show up because of problems with the snow. It kept snowing through the day and finally at 12 pm the boss at the office told us to go home. They were afraid that we would not be able to make it back home safely with the roads covered in snow. Luckily, I got home safe and sound and then I was able to enjoy the snow the rest of the weekend!
It has been a great experience having the chance to see the beautiful landscapes of the blue ridge mountains covered in snow.