Featured Company StudioMDA’s Selected Projects .History of studioMDA Markus Dochantschi established studioMDA, a... StudioMDACompany at New York
Featured Company Plain Space Architecture and Design’s Selected Projects History of Plain Space Plainspace is an architecture and design firm... Plain SpaceCompany at New York
Featured Company OBR Architecture’s Selected Projects History of obrARCHITECTURE obrARCHITECTURE is an architectural, art... OBR ArchtectureCompany at San Diego, CA
Featured Company O’Neil Langan Architects’ Selected Projects History of O’Neil Langan Architects O’Neil Langan... O'Neil Langan ArchitectsCompany at New York
Featured Company Modellus Novus’s Selected Projects History of Modellus Novus MN DPC, now going by Modellus Novus, which... Modellus NovusCompany at New York
Featured Company Laguarda.Low’s Selected Projects History of Laguarda.Low Laguarda.Low, headquartered in New York, USA... Laguarda.Low ArchitectsCompany at New York
Featured Company KFA’s Selected Projects History of KFA KFA was founded in 1975 by Wade Killefer, FAIA, who... KFACompany at Los Angeles
Featured Company Kennerly Architecture & Planning’s Selected Projects History of Kennerly Architecture & Planning Kennerly Architecture... Kennerly Architecture and PlanningCompany at San Francisco, CA
Featured Company Hennebery Eddy Architects’ Selected Projects History of Hennebery Eddy Architects Hennebery Eddy Architects was... Hennebery Eddy ArchitectsCompany at Portland, Oregon
Featured Company Corgan Associates Inc.’ Selected Projects UHistory of Corgan Associates Inc. Corgan Associates Inc. was founded... Corgan Associates Inc.Company at Dallas, Texas