The only way to get better at something is by practicing every chance you get! Here at Architect-US we are always trying to find new ways for you to make the most of your skills, career, and opportunities. To make sure you have a variety of practice resources, we have 5 different options that each target a different section of the interview, and also takes into account more technically specific interviews.
1. The Architect’s Guide – 20 Practice Questions for your Architecture Interview – General Questions
If you are looking for a go-to resource for Architecture Career advice and interview preparation, The Architect’s Guide is a wonderful resource that gives you the basic, most common questions asked during an Architecture interview. It is for this reason that we placed it first in line.
2. What to take to an Architectural Interview? How to prepare?
This is a quality resource for understanding what you might need to take with you to the interview, as well as other ideas that you might not have thought of. For example, bringing more than two copies of your short portfolio and CV. You never know when the interviewers might want to share your profile with others, and by showing you are proactive, you are able to make a stronger first impression.
3. 7 Architect Interview Questions and Answers from Indeed
Indeed is known as one of the biggest platforms to find a new job, yet they also provide lots of great resources for all kinds of industries. This resource here, although it is shorter than others, provides some of the more common questions that are asked to architects. Within this file there are links to other wonderful resources as well! So make the most of it!
In order to provide you with some more technical resources that relate to a variety of computer softwares used within the profession, but it also helps you with the technical lingo that is necessary to understand when trying to collaborate with other architects and decision makers within the space. This is a quality resource that asks the tough questions and provides you with examples of how you could respond.
5. NCARB: How to Prepare for an Interview at an Architecture Firm
When considering your next career move, plan proactively and create Portfolios that include your best work. Consider looking into finding a mentor with Architect-US, and improving your Portfolios with our Portfolio Plans and Career Advice Program. We provide coaching and personalized mentorship, so you can have a professional and experienced take on your next steps in your career, as well as a great team to confide in.
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