When you are considering your next steps in your career, you are probably considering which ones take you to the next level. A level that is both challenging yet provides you with opportunity and balance between learning, creativity, and administrative responsibilities. You may be in a situation which allows for you to be independent from a large firm, and this may provide you with some more flexibility. Either way, these five tips are helpful to any individual within the architecture industry.
Try to view the firms problems as your problems when possible!
You should try to consider what are the strains and pains that your firm are going through and how your skills can help provide an alleviation in those growing pains. Try to say “I can take care of this” and be available to handle different problems. You want the firm to see you as someone they can count on in difficult times. You will gain more responsibility, which will take some time and effort, but you can always balance out these different responsibilities.
Look for the chance to shine and help out!
You can always go straight to management and ask for more responsibility, as well as show them your portfolio one-on-one if it is a larger firm. The key to a productive and respectful professional relationship is a clear communication channel that has feedback flowing both ways. People cannot read one another’s minds, so it is important to let your position be known in a respectful manner.
Firms have different structures, but you have to understand horizontal vs vertical organization
A clear and easy way to understand what it takes to move up is understanding how the company is structured and what are the responsibilities of each position. To help other counterparts, you must understand how their role functions and provide assistance in this way. This may require learning new skills and taking on uncomfortable experiences at times. Some resources you may have at your disposal include seminars and course materials to supplement your skillset.
Resolve problems before they become problems
You must be pro-active as an architect, as you must be prepared ahead of time for any for-seeable problems. So try to make an effort to find those solutions ahead of time, or at least try to better understand the problem at hand. Just by being a little bit ahead of these issues you are better able to handle those issues once they’ve become problems.
Sometimes you have to be a different perspective
You may find yourself being between the clients you work for and the employers who pay you, so when you think your employers might not being a different perspective, you need to take a moment to think about the impact. This isn’t about compromising your values, this is about understanding which team you play for.
When considering your next career move, plan proactively and create Portfolios that include your best work. Consider looking into finding a mentor with Architect-US, and improving your Portfolios with our Portfolio Plans and Career Advice Program. We provide coaching and personalized mentorship, so you can have a professional and experienced take on your next steps in your career, as well as a great team to confide in.
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