It has now been more than two month that I joined the WORKac team, and the experience has been great so far.
The office dynamic and vibe is positive and pushes me to be more productive. During our morning office meetings we discuss the goals of the upcoming days for the several projects the office is working on. Working on BeMA (Beirut Museum of Art) is really interesting for me since I am Lebanese. The groundbreaking for the project happened earlier this month in Beirut, therefore the construction phase of the project is about to start. So exciting!
What I find really interesting is the variety of things we are tackling while working on the project. This week we were producing the Design Development set, but at the same time we are restudying some of the spaces which is challenging and interesting. We also started the tradition of office lunches every month, which brings the team closer and creates a good atmosphere.
Another interesting part of being an architect in NYC is the range of museums to choose from! I personally love going to the museum having a minor in art history I find it very interesting to finally see in real life art pieces I extensively learnt about. The city has also so much to offer in terms of architecture with the rich variety of styles and eras of architecture that creates this patchwork of architectural styles.
This next month the project is going further, so we are going more into detailing and material selection… which I find super exciting! I am looking forward to the development of the project. Having a good work environment really affects your mood and productivity, happy everything is going good and looking forward for more adventures and challenges in this city and company.