August was an incredible month full of top notch projects, but September has been a display of talent just as good!!! There were projects ranging from one that was a whole block of buildings for the gastro-cultural community to another that was focused on creating educational spaces for Engineers. Find out who won for this month!
With 8 artists’ work being presented throughout the month on all of our different platforms, we have the final winner with the most likes on Instagram!!
[Do you want to participate in our monthly Portfolio Challenge? Submit your work here.]
The winner of the $30 Amazon Gift Card for this month, the month of September is… Arunachalam lakshmanan!!! Applied Construction Technology garnered the most likes on Instagram with 125 likes in September!!
Arunachalam lakshmanan has been working for 3 yrs as an architectural assistant and intern for architecture/interior design firms in India. In APPLIED CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY he seeks to break down the small technical details that go into designing a tall skyscraper, which requires special safety shafts, heating, cooling, and more that must be accounted for down to the last bolt. Arunachalam also details the application of a Unitised Panelling System Curtain Wall for the exterior of the structure.
What were you top 3 favorite projects from September?!?! Leave us your thoughts in the comments section below!! 👇👇👇
If you want to see more by Arunachalam, scroll down to the bottom to find the rest of her project, APPLIED CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY.
Thank you to everyone who had their work presented in the month of September!! 😁😁 We want to make sure that they all get more exposure! 👀👀
In second place was Santiago del Águila’s La Catenaria y El Arco with 61 likes on Instagram. La Catenaria y El Arco was submitted to the Insòlit festival. A festival which is held in Palma de Mallorca, Spain. The main theme of the event is to rise interest and awareness about the rich cultural heritage present around the city, particularly on traditional houses from the historic urban center of Palma and their courtyards.
In third place was Miguel de la Ossa’s The Pan Palace with 41 likes on Instagram. «THE PAN PALACE»: GASTRO-CULTURAL CENTER is his newest submission and it was created as his Master’s Thesis at ETSAM Polytechnic University of Madrid. The goal of the project is to create a space for a tight knit community of gastro-cultural aficionados.
In fourth place was Matteo Terazzi’s Learning Centre with 36 likes on Instagram. He views New Urbanism, an architectural movement to build new neighborhoods by maximizing opportunities for social exchange at all scales, as an inspirational movement. Learning Centre was created to complement the Polytechnic University of Milan campus by providing another venue for students to gain knowledge and improve their learning spaces.
In fifth place was Cristina Asla Ortiz de Latierro’s TODOROKI VALLEY with 24 likes on Instagram. For her first submission to the Portfolio Challenge, Cristina provided a project called Rehabilitacion Casa Pastors, while this time around she is submitting a project that is tied deeply with Art and design aesthetics. Her project called TODOROKI VALLEY draws from her curatorial studies and aims to design a space that is tied to nature, as well as a prayer space in the dojo.
In sixth place was Alberto Lozano Duran’s The Shelf – Pandion AG with 23 likes on Instagram. After graduating from ETSAM he went to start his professional career in Germany at kadawittfeldarchitektur in the Aachen region. The aim of the project was to create an office space that incorporates nature and provides open space in the interior, while creating a balanced space for mobility and for relaxation between office spaces.
In seventh place was Stas Gulkowski’s Brama with 20 likes on Instagram. The aim of his project is to create a gateway to Parade Square, which is the main square in Warsaw, Poland. The square was designed and built together with the main actor of the site – the Palace of Culture and Science, which is a functioning historical monument and the city’s icon. Since the very beginning of the nineties, there were plans for reimagining the space. The project’s goal is to make the square unified and consistent. As well as to provide a well-functioning transportation hub for the tourists and other commuters of the city.
In eighth place was Juan Camilo Garcia’s Private Villa in Moscow with 15 likes on Instagram. For his third submission into the Portfolio Challenge, he continues to design interiors for another top rated villa, similar to his previous submission the Jeddah Corniche Tower. The project this time is an interior design for a villa in Moscow called Private Villa in Moscow.
Images by Arunachalam lakshmanan
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