Bianca Dobru joined the Architect-USJob+J1 Visa Program family last year, and has already been featured on our Portfolio Challenge series previously with work such as Yichun Zen Resort project, as well as their Karle town center in Bangalore project. Bianca now joins us for her third installment in the Portfolio Challenge with a project called Community Arts Center. In this project she was looking to provide a blueprint for creating a space for collaboration and community building activities.
[Do you want to be our next featured talent and participate in our monthly Portfolio Challenge? Submit your work here.]
Bianca worked at UN Studio Architecture and has worked on large projects, but she also enjoys working on her personal projects that are smaller and take into account more of her cultural roots.
[Let us also share your great work with our Community and participate in the Portfolio Challenge today.]
What would you include in a community arts center beyond the structure itself? Leave us your thoughts/insights in the comments section below!! 👇👇👇
Images by Bianca Dobru
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