Photo by Amy Hirschi

The 3 criteria the Selection Committee has when revising your Job+J1 Visa Program application

In order to stand out and be accepted into the exclusive Architect-US Pool of Candidates you should take into account the 3 different things which the Selection Committee will review to determine your eligibility in the program. By being accepted into the Job+J1 Visa Program and paying the Initiation Fee, you will form part of the Architect-US Pool of Candidates and be included in at least 3 Selection Processes (we always send you all offers that match your profile and interests) during the 12 months. The opportunities we send are exclusive and although we sometimes post opportunities on our blog we always give priority to our Pool of Candidates. If you would like to form part of our program, here are the three main things that you should take into consideration in your application:

  1. Portfolio

Perhaps the most important thing of all! We want to see strong architectural drawings, 2D&3D drawings, no more than two images per project and page. (The Portfolio and the Resumé must be in English and in separate PDF files without a photo). The portfolio must display who you are as a designer and the best of your academic and profesional experience. For improving your chances, please read through our Portfolio Recommendations

  1. CV

The Selection Committee must evaluate your CV not only to see if there are aspects of it which can be improved but, also to see the experience that you have and determine whether you classify as an Intern or a Trainee.

  1. English Level

Every applicant must complete an Interview to assess their English level once they have been accepted into the program. This short interview will be conducted by one of the members of the Selection committee. The CV will also help us determine if you’ve had previous experience with English as well.

For a greater chances of being accepted into the Job + J1 Visa Program, you should be able to meet the following entry requirements: strong design portfolio; outstanding graphic skills; knowledge of the main architectural software, and high ability to communicate in English. We are also here to help you and give you tips on how to perfect your American style resume and also on different ways in which you can make your portfolio truly shine.


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