my experience with Architect-US
Kevin Fremon


It’s even hard to describe how much I have already learned in my experience with Architect-US since my journey started seven months ago, how much I have grown both professionally and personally thanks to this experience. I have already done a couple of internships/traineeships before ( for more than a year ), the first one was prior to my graduation in Slovakia and the other one was in Paris after I graduated. Both of them have taught me more than any other job, especially the one abroad because it helped me to improve my language skills, broaden my horizons in architecture and design. I have also met so many interesting people and gained valuable connections in an architectural environment. Since my first day as a trainee at KFA Architecture in Santa Monica I have gained so much more experiences, learned more about my profession as an architect and it has also prepared me for having more responsibilities.

  1. Different design approach

Thanks to my jobs/internships abroad, I already got used to different styles, types of architecture, different ways of thinking, design approaches. However, in my opinion in Europe, architecture/design doesn’t change that much from country to country. In the US I had to start from zero because it’s a completely new experience, wooden framing instead of concrete and bricks, different units of measure, a different style ( especially the architecture in Los Angeles ).

  1. Working independently/multi-tasking

Working for a big firm as my host company comes also with more responsibilities, more projects, and opportunities. That’s why it’s pretty common that every employee works on several projects at the same time. It’s very important to manage your time to meet your deadlines. I haven’t had this kind of experience before so it took me some time to get used to it.

  1. Technical/computer skills

Since this is not my first work experience, I’ve been pretty skilled and have been using many different softwares before. However, I knew that the American market is focused mostly on working in Revit. I haven’t used it much before but I’ve learned a lot since my first day here. Now I can say that I’m quite advanced and I have also learned a lot about construction administration and gained some experience in a more technical domain of architecture that will be very useful for me in the future.

  1. Social network

Working abroad thanks my experience with Architect-US, especially in a foreign language speaking environment is not always easy, however it allows me to connect with people and architects from all over the world. Especially in the US and big multi-cultural cities like Los Angeles, there’s a great opportunity to meet people from various cultural backgrounds. I have co-workers from many different countries/continents as well. Thanks to my host company I’ve also been participating in the meetings with the clients and engineers, learning how things work and what is every phase of designing process like.

  1. Finding my voice, confidence, motivation, passion

Day by day I am given more and more responsibilities and also the freedom to be creative and make my own decisions in the designing process. It has helped me enormously to have the courage to say my opinion, to rediscover my voice as a professional architect, my passion for architecture and motivation to work harder. This opportunity has also made me step out of my comfort zone and helped me to become more confident.

The last thing I’ve learned in my experience with Architect-US (a very important one ) is to never give up on your dream no matter how though the way to make it come true could be.


Matej Strbka


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