United States Experience

United States Experience in North Carolina

Working abroad life is much more different than studying abroad. It is not worse or better it is just different but I totally recommended as I found it very worthy.

So far, I have been living in North Carolina for almost a year. I spent this whole year in Asheville, although I have been visiting a lot of cities during my United States Experience.

Asheville is well known as the East Coast San Francisco. This is a very interested place full of art, artist, music, musicians, and beer for every kind of taste from many local breweries. The city seems to be on a construction boom. Many new buildings are being built in the downtown area and in the surrounding neighbors as well. The city also seems to be constantly gaining popularity. Many people, particularly from Florida, come to Asheville looking for some cool weather.
At the beginning of my United States Experience, being here was exciting and challenging at the same time: I had to adapt to many different changes and also I had to solve things like finding a house, finding a car, getting the driver license, etc.
Once all of this was accomplished the challenge was getting used to the new work environment. I have to say it took me a little longer than I expected, but this is a normal thing since everything is new.  Literally EVERYTHING. I was happy to learn all the new information I needed in order to apply my skills at work. After all, it is being an incredible experience in which I have learned and have had the chance to feel like one more of the team.
Working abroad and having a United States Experience, life is much more different than studying abroad. It is not worse or better it is just different but I totally recommended as I found it very worthy.

Juan Gaviria


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