Architect-US Programs The 3 main differences between Architect-US J-1 Visa and Job+J1 Visa When entering our program, there are two different routes that you... Architect-USCareer Training at USA
U.S Guide How to handle and make the best out of your money during the j1 Visa Program As most of you may already know, the U.S. is a pricey country to live... Architect-USCareer Training at USA
Landing in the U.S. 5 MUST-DO’s as soon as you move to the States Arriving to the States may get a little overwhelming, specially when... Architect-USCareer Training at USA
Architect-US Experience NYC, clock is ticking! «Your Visa has been approved» these are the words that confirm that... Cesar CobosTrainee at NWNew York
Architect-US Programs Exchange Visitor Program start and end dates If you want to take part in the Architect-US J1 Visa Exchange Program... Architect-USCareer Training at USA
Visa Process J1 Visa Extension Are you worried about your J1 Visa extension? We have got you covered... Architect-USCareer Training at USA
J1 Visa Definitions J1 Visa terminology When it comes to taking the right approach and choosing the program... Architect-USCareer Training at USA
J1 Visa Definitions What’s a J1 Visa Sponsor? At Architect-US, we help sponsor your J1 Visa internship or training... Architect-USCareer Training at USA