
How To Present Yourself For Success in Your Next Architecture Interview

Join us for an incredible Hiring Process Chat Series with the Principal from KFA LA, Jonathan Watts and our Founder and CEO Pati Garcia, who chat about a key red flag during the interview process.
Jonathan talks about the importance of understanding the applicant’s character and KFA try to assess the candidate beyond their Portfolio or Cover Letter. They seek to find if the person has passion for their work and they bring excitement to the project, especially while presenting their own ideas and concepts.
At the end of the day, Jonathan states that if they aren’t excited about the project they created for the client, who will be. Make sure you are bringing the correct energy to your next interview.
Make sure that you have the insight straight from the industry leaders that will be reviewing your application and better understand how they review and sift through the thousands of Portfolios they receive every week! Learn how to understand why and how they eliminate applicants due to silly mistakes.
Find full access to the Hiring Process Chat with Jonathan Watts who answers:

1.) What does KFA fundamentally look for in an applicants’ portfolio?

2.) What are the top three red flags that lead them to reject an applicant?

… and covers other Do’s and Don’ts you must know about hiring in the link below!

If you are interested in hearing the complete interview with KFA’s Principal, Jonathan Watts, where he goes into detail about the aforementioned questions regarding creating top portfolios and what red flags to avoid, then click on the link below:

<<Find the full interview with Jonathan Watts from KFA LA here>>

When considering your next career move, plan proactively and create Portfolios that include your best work. Consider looking into finding a mentor with Architect-USand improving your Portfolios with our Portfolio Plans and Career Advice Program. We provide coaching and personalized mentorship, so you can have a professional and experienced take on your next steps in your career, as well as a great team to confide in.


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