

It is been a month and a half since NYC shut down started and we don’t know when it will end. All the world it is in the same uncertain situation and we don’t know what it is going to happen in the near future and how it is going to affect to how lives, adding the global crisis that the wold is starting to face. It is really scary but I think and believe that people is trying their best, at list from my experience here in NYC. I consider that people are following the guidelines that the government has established. Although we are allowed to go out I can see that people keep social distance and 95% of the people are wearing face-masks. I truly believe in the NYC citizens and their effort to end this critical situation and go back to normalcy. We all know it is going to be a difficult process, reopenings will have to be gradually and the most probable is that we will have to change most of our social habits.

The famous philosophy of «sharing» and «co-living» that has been becoming a trend in big cities such as NY may have to change at list for some time until the world succeed beating this pandemic. But the big question that I think most of the population are doing themselves is if this pandemic is going to change our way of life for ever and is going to take us into other future way of live direction, or if it going to be something temporary and we will go back to where we were a few months ago. I guess anyone know the answer, we will have to wait patiently and act with responsibility.

I hope we can all have our lives back. I am willing to go back to work, meet my colleagues and continue working, learning and living this exciting American experience!

Architect-US participant


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