Out team here at Architect-US uses a lot of different online job search engines to get a feel for the market industry and what’s currently out there. They are also used so that the team can reach out to potential Host Companies for the Job+J1 Visa program and also put some of these exciting offers in the Weekly Openings for the program participants. Our team has come up with the 6 best and most used sources within our group and hope that they will be of great use during your job hunt, so here they are:
This a great online tool to find hundreds of architectural jobs, a place to upload your resume, and subscribe so that you can receive e-mail alerts from offers in what you are looking for. It also provides you with videos and tutorials that will help you in your applications.
Archinect is one of the best tools out there. You can search for architectural job openings filtering by the city of your choice. Among many of the search engines out there this is one that provides you with some of the most current offers! They also give you detailed information on the job position and how to apply.
Glassdoor is a great search engine for offers, however you might run into offers that are not related to what you are looking for. Sometimes you have to add a lot of filters to get what you want but there are many offers listed here that you won’t find in other places.
Coroflot specializes in linking design professionals with many leading companies in architecture, 3-D modeling, and other fields in design. They are a great source for information on what to do once you have an interview and a great tool to get additional guides that will help you in the application process.
What the American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS) does, is producing a digital resume database of students, which is then sent to 500 architecture firms across the United States. They also provide you with valuable mentorship that will help you prepare for the process with any given firm.
Much like Glassdoor, Indeed is a large search engine for job applications. There are multiple filters which you can use to narrow down your search, and you will be able to find a lot of opportunities in the field. However, you will have to use those filters, there will be a lot of offers that won’t really relate to you! Nonetheless it is also a great platform that many times has offers that others don’t.
All of these will be of great benefit during your job hunt! If you have any questions or you know any other search engines that are worth sharing, let us know! 😊
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