Life after a J1 visa? Endings can bring a lot of emotions, stress, confusion, and lack of direction to our life. After getting used to a city, lifestyle, coworkers, people, etc, culminating our J1 visa training could, (and most certainly will) be a sad phase to go through … but totally worth it.
This is the moment when I wondering about if there is life after a J1 visa, endings also mean that room for new beginnings is created. Opportunity to start something different, out of our comfort zone, something we though ourselves not capable of at the begging of this experience.
The key lays in being prepared, calmed, use time wisely, have a strategy and think about all the many possible directions your life could take afterward.
The experience and skills acquired during the training program could help you get that job at your hometown you were not prepared for a year ago; or push you to pursue another work experience program abroad in Australia or Canada; or just give you the self confidence and preparation you were lacking to start your own business; possibilities are numerous and infinite.
In my case, working here as a J1 trainee made me realize that there is so much more to learn and so much I have no idea about, and not only about architecture but about people and life in general.
I focused my goals, time and resources into studying. I will be pursuing an M.arch in Florida next fall and can’t wait to see how this experience will turn out, so yes! there is life after J1 visa
Good luck!