Last couple of days in New York have been the most amazing Spring preview ever! Came just in time after a quite stressful period (potential J1 transfer included…), they felt quite needed indeed.
The last month has been full and crazy at times but very much exciting: last week I have been invited as a VIP member to the preview of The Armory Show at the Roche Bobois’ showroom. I brought a friend and digged in into the bar (free drinks, what else do you need in life!?) and made some great connections with interesting people. My housemate and I threw a house party this weekend and apparently we overestimated out little Manhattan’s apartment capacity, but the more the merrier, they say, right? The Company I train for is showing to be underwhelming and that caused some problems that will need to be adressed and rearranged but, I am sure, the process will be smooth and will bring to an even better stage of this New York experience. A friend came over from Boston for the weekend and I loved to relive the «tourist experience» with him (especially due to the June-like weather!): we got brunch in Williamsburg, walked the High Line, browse shops in Chelsea, had drinks in the East Village and then joined other friends for a night out in Brooklyn. Fun time.
Now that I have had a reminder of what Spring tastes like, I can’t wait for all my favourites roof tops to shine back and my summery dresses to exit the exile of winter times!
Hope you all guys are having a nice time too and again, thank you to the ArchitectUS team to having promptly helped me (again!) in a time of tricky burocracy despair! Guys, you are great! New York, you are awesome!