

Where to find free books and movies in Manhattan.

 Hello architects!

 Now that the winter is coming and going out with windy/cold/rainy days seems to be slightly less appealing, what could be a better plan than to read a book or watch a movie cozy at home? But unless you have come from your country with an electronic book (which is not my case), we have to provide us with the right entertainment to fight the upcoming boredom. Therefore, wherever you see the lion of my picture in a sign while you are walking down the street, you can tell there is a public library. Becoming a member is free, you just have to provide your passport and address and you will receive an orange card for the key-chain and a card for your wallet. You are allowed to take with you per 3 weeks all the books you want, and up to 10 dvds to give back after a week at the same time. nonetheless, be careful!! there are Express DVDs and Books marked with a yellow sticker on the book/DVD tome that should be returned in only 4 days! Per each day you give them back in delay, you have to pay in cash extra money, so be careful with your deadlines, because just 4 days can cost you 10 $. And if you don’t pay, it will be there forever in your account until you pay it.

The other good thing about these libraries that are spread all around Manhattan is that you can pick up the items and give them back in any of the libraries you come across, it does not have to be in the same library where you picked them up at first. And another curiosity is that sometimes these libraries offer free workshops, I was the other saturday doing one about fall sculpture art with dried flowers and plants that was very very therapeutical.

I know these libraries network there work only in Manhattan, but in Brooklyn there is the marvellous and big Brooklyn Library that I am sure it works with others that might have around, just ask!

So don’t miss the chance and enjoy!

brooklyn public library

Noelia Alvarez


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