When I first landed on my host company two months ago I didn’t know how to use neither the laser cut nor the 3D printer. After some direction from my colleagues I started working on the model of a project in Boston and little by little I felt more confident with the millions of types of materials they have in the model shop. YAY! Super wide tapes, colored plexiglass, hot wire foam cutter, scored chipboard, different types of glue, knifes and rulers!
And of course, to think of the strategy on how this all was going to be assembled! I had to coordinate very well with my teammates if I wanted the model to be accurate and coherent with every update. Brief daily checkings were important to ensure we were all in the same page! I think this helped me keep in touch with my colleagues and feel more familiar.
Not only do I feel very grateful for having learnt a lot about the craft, but also because I think it has been a joyful way of getting to know the rest of the people in the office. Since the model shop is located on the way to the kitchen (and everyone goes to the kitchen looking for snacks at least once a day…) I had the opportunity to introduce myself to my colleagues very easily. Curiosity led almost everyone to stop and ask what I was doing. A good ice-breaker, isn’t it? At the end I barely used my desk during the day and everyone knew that if they wanted to find me, that would be in the model shop!
Now it seems that I’ll be jumping on different tasks for the next weeks (model shop included) and I feel excited for the upcoming events…
and tremendously grateful for having spent such a great time in the MODEL SHOP KINGDOM