Contrasts Career USA VS Spain I have seen for this year, in the USA people is much more... Ignacio AnsorenaIntern at GMSNew York
Foodies The price of the food in NYC Living in Manhattan is the dream of many people, but this is not... Ignacio AnsorenaIntern at GMSNew York
American Culture Social life in New York In the next post I am going to speak about the social life in NYC. Ignacio AnsorenaIntern at GMSNew York
U.S Guide Find a room in NY In this post we can find some information about how to rent an... Ignacio AnsorenaIntern at GMSNew York
Landing in the U.S. MY EXPERIENCE WITH ARCHITECT-US Hello everybody, I am going to explain how was my experience with... Ignacio AnsorenaIntern at GMSNew York
Life in the U.S. COST OF LIVING IN NEW YORK – MANHATTAN As you know, New York is one of the most expensive cities... Ignacio AnsorenaIntern at GMSNew York