
8 Tips On How To Stay Focused At Work As An Architect

Architects are busy people, and their work is of utmost value. Their work requires efficiency, effectiveness, resilience, and a clear mind. While maintaining the right lifestyle can make them capable of having it all, working and living haphazardly can turn their lives into a complete mess. Being successful comes from being good at what you are doing, and being successful will make you happy and satisfied.

1.Work on a schedule and make a to-do list

Always start your day with a well-organized and timed to-do list. It will help you keep track of time, and avoid procrastination (if that is humanly possible). Try to make your heaviest tasks the earliest and divide your work into small tasks to be finished in short time intervals. Avoid working continuously for a long duration. Also, include in your daily schedule, non-work-related tasks, like exercising, socializing, and helping others. These activities will help you broaden your experience in ways you cannot imagine.

2.Outline your work process and formulate a checklist

Different projects require different procedures. So, at the beginning of every project re-check your usual routine and develop a suitable plan. For example, if you are working on a design project for a school, you would normally start with your research, move on to thinking about a concept and a form, then get to the zoning, testing, and so on. However, if this is your second school project, then you might save the time for research, or part of it. You have already got some of the needed material.

3.Keep away from social media and the internet altogether if need be

They distract you and drain your time and energy without you even noticing. It is understandable you cannot always keep away, but when you get to work try to. Turn the airplane mode on and enjoy an hour or two of noise-free quality time.

4.Be Smart with your time

‘Time is of the essence’ in architecture, and so you need to be smart with how you use your time. Don’t give any tasks longer than they need, and don’t make mistakes that will make them take longer. The time wasted on this needless work could have been spent on any sort of refreshing entertainment. Besides following the three previous tips, you need to know your tools well. Master the software and computer programs you are using and know the shortcuts. Know all the tips and tricks that will make you be quicker and better. Use the best tools and invest time in learning the latest software which will save your time in the long run. Also, make it a habit to keep everything you need around you to avoid needless movement.

5.Monitor your diet and drink water regularly

Avoid eating fatty foods and heavy carbs before work because they will make you feel tired and sleepy. Instead, try to eat light and healthy options like vegetables, fruits, and lean meat. Drink water regularly, no less than 2 liters per day; it will help you stay focused. If you have trouble focusing, you will always feel tired, you can check your doctor for vitamins.

6.Change the scenery every once in a while

Having to work every day in the same place, makes work feel like routine and reduces your creativity. So, whenever you find yourself bored or stuck change places. Do your thinking somewhere else, maybe in a park where you can take in the fresh air and enjoy the sight of the surrounding greenery. Libraries are, also, a good option. If you are seeking inspiration, you can never go wrong with a library.

7.Keep a journal and talk to friends

Let anything that may distract you out. If you are not comfortable with talking to others about your problem or concerns, then your journal will be your best friend. There is scientific evidence that keeping a journal helps in reducing stress. It clears your mind and helps you see your problems and thought from a different perspective, and hence solve them in a most effective way.

8.Know when to and when not to listen to music while working

It is a very common practice between architects to listen to music while working for long hours. However, studies have shown that this is not always a good idea. It depends on what you are doing. If it is repetitive routine work that doesn’t require much thinking, then listening to music could make it more enjoyable.

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