
Muscle Beach, the Californian style

Muscle Beach has always had a good reputation, but there was a man who exploded it, the Terminator, Arnold Schwarzenegger! Even today, it is possible to pass in front of it and see it train there! I never was so lucky to see him around, but I have a friend who did and I was so jealous. Whether you like this sport or not, the curiosity is such that everybody stops there to take a look. Photos, videos, it’s a little honor to them! They train outside for the happiness of being outdoors, but also to be seen.It is common for some bodybuilder to stop just to pose and play moving their chest.

Right next to the Santa Monica pier, the Muscle Beach  is a beach area with some gym equipment used by the guys who have been working out since 1933. This kind of outdoor gym became super-famous in the first half of the century passed for being the cradle of the fitness movement, long before there were hashtags or Instagram. The name of Santa Monica’s «Muscle Beach» stems from the growing local and national reputation of fitness and strength athletes who gathered in what is known simply as «Santa Monica Beach Playground,» with the term muscle gaining ground in 1940. The inauguration in 1940 of the first of a nationwide network of weightlifting academies by famed pioneer gym operator Vic Tanny, just two blocks from Muscle Beach in Santa Monica, is commonly considered a key factor in the growing attraction of bodybuilders and weight lifters for Muscle Beach from all over the country. A crowd, including famous people like Arnold Schwarzenegger, used to go there to practice bodybuilding and acrobatics and display their muscular bodies and bronzes.

Muscle Beach Venice is the contemporary title of the outdoor weight lifting platform built in Venice, California, a distinct neighborhood in the city of Los Angeles, 18 years after the founding of Muscle Beach in Santa Monica. It was officially titled in 1987 by the city of Los Angeles with the distinguished name «Venice» added to the site to honor the original site of Santa Monica. The current Muscle Beach Venice is located two blocks north of Venice Boulevard on Ocean Front Walk in Venice, California. In the 1950s, Muscle Beach established world fame and helped popularize and bring legitimacy to physical culture with acrobatics and bodybuilding, also contributed to a national health and fitness movement that continues through to the 21st century.

Muscle Beach is also its surroundings, its sneaker grounds, skate parks, Venice and the California atmosphere that emerges. It’s a real sports complex now! For film buffs and connoisseurs of the American History X movie, it’s on these sneaker grounds that the actors play during the movie!

If you ever like sports, bodybuilding and have a moment, then do not hesitate to do a session. Open from Monday to Saturday, from 8 am to 5 pm, Muscle Beach offers sessions at $ 10. Although it may seem useless, just to say I did it, it deserves an hour of session! Now hello the complex facing these Goliaths! If you ever have more time, the subscription is $ 150 a year. Who would not dream of training on the oceanfront like this?

That’s their official website http://musclebeach.net


Victor Daldegan

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