Photo by EJ Yao

Episode 7: Site visit

Hey everyone! One more month I tell my experiences in this incredible year. I can’t believe that eight months have passed since I arrived in Los Angeles. I have learned many things in this first job as an architect: new software, work techniques, networking… However, one of the most productive ways of learning has been site visits.

It is always great to see your project evolve through drawings, plans and models. But let me ask you something: is there anything better than being able to see your project in real life? (No, there is not)

The truth is that being my first job, I haven’t seen any finished project yet, but! Yes, I have been able to attend several jobs under construction. I’ve been lucky enough to work in a studio where we often do these kinds of visits and I really appreciate it.

There is something special about seeing with your own eyes the project you are working on. Last week I was able to be inside the building that we are designing and it is something that I will not forget. Any previously drawn detail now makes sense. And in addition, it is very useful to detect problems or differences that you had not seen before. For instance, you would be surprised how the measurements change in real life. There is always some small variation between rooms, walls or windows. But hey! That’s life, you don’t have to go crazy.

Ok guys, this is what I wanted to tell you this month. Visits to the site are really being a key experience this year, so if you have the opportunity to do them, don’t hesitate!

See you next month!

Miguel Majano


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