Jumping on the L-Train and venturing a few stops into Brooklyn you reach Jefferson St, departing here you enter the world of The Bushwick Collective, an entire neighbourhood populated endlessly with grandiose Murals, Graffiti and Street Art.
Apparently there are more than 100 blocks with art here so it may be useful to do a little research into where to find each of these graffiti if you hope to view the majority, with that said it may be more fun to jump straight onto the next train over, the sporadicity of discovery as you meander through the streets is possibly more exciting as you are greeted by evermore larger, more vibrant and impressive artworks around every corner, the streets become an urban gallery exhibiting some of the best Graffiti artists from all over the world.
I’m not sure whether its the impulse of color, the blurring of scale or the disparity between the abstract and the gritty streets of Brooklyn but its interesting to see how every day and the mundane become transformed into spectacle through the layering of two dimensional graffiti onto the three dimensional urban fabric and really distort the way you perceive the street.
It’s fun to spend a few hours here becoming lost in the artwork and being overwhelmed with Instagram opportunities.