
New life again!

I arrived to US three months ago. I was very happy with my job and with the city…but suddenly I had a dreamed offer from my favorite American firm.

I didn’t know how to deal with this situation. On one hand I was enjoying my work and having a wonderful experience and I didn’t want to leave, on the other hand you never know when you will have an opportunity like this, and I ‘ve been waiting for an opportunity like this years.. So I decided to go forward with this new opportunity.

I talked directly with my sponsor explaining my situation and trying to justify my wish to transfer, but it was not enough. They aren’t architects so they couldn’t understand what kind of offer I was having in front of me. I talked to Architect-US and they said that the transfer was risky and that sometimes it doesn’t work… but they said that they will deal with it. Architect-US talked directly to my sponsor and convinced them. They have experience in similar situations so they intermediate in the best way because they know better than anyone your interests as an architect and the sponsor‘s interests.

After that I didn’t do anything else, Architect-US took care of everything, and what seemed to be something impossible ended by being an easy process.

So I moved to Washington DC and started my new job one week ago.. and I am loving it !! I am having the opportunity to work in the firm that I ‘ve dreamed for 15 months.

I just have one thing to say…THANK YOU!!

Esteban Becerril


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