How many times have you seen on a movie a runner in Central Park? So that is what I have tried to become for the last few months and I finally made it!! A couple of weeks ago I was able, not only to run but also finish, my first half marathon… in CENTRAL PARK!
It all started with a casual conversation with my friend Jorge, how was a runner some time ago. We both had been thinking about this experience for some months, but we needed mutual push to commit ourselves to such a thing.
After several months of training, we mad it to the race. It was rainy and so the floor was wet, but nothing could have happened so that we would lose our excitement. We were did not run it together, but the effort you could see from other people’s faces, gave me the energy necessary to finish it!
For those who are curious, it took me 1:45h to finish it, not bad for a first time runner I guess!
Queens half marathon, here I go!!!!!
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