

Today I’m going to do surf with a new friend I made in the office but what excites me the most these days is my actual work in the office. I never thought this could happen to me, but at last I understand why there are people in this world that get addicted to their work.

It’s because at some point, when the parameters ‘learning new skills’ ‘challenge’ ‘flow state’ and ‘having the correct people around you’ coincide at the same time – space coordinates, it’s when magic happens.

I always had in mind to open my own tiny firm somewhere lost in the mountains, working for a small village where everyone knows everyone. I don’t know if this will ever happen, and honestly I don’t care too much, but it gives me a lot of life direction! And maybe the foremost skill this dreamed self has to have is: to coordinate!

Coordination is the process by a number of different teams collaborating, share information supporting each other discipline with the common goal of accomplishing the project.

This is mainly done (at least in the office I am in) by biweekly online meetings: one week with the consultants, the next with the client, although in the consultants’ meetings there is always someone from the client’s group representing their team.

Meetings themselves usually take one hour but preparing for them is way longer and harder. This task consists of having everything going on under one’s sight, being able to understand the processes regarding all the disciplines. This is mainly done reading the previous meeting minutes from the top to the bottom and contrasting them with the consultants’ plans.

After the meeting the goal is to make sure everyone is on the same page, which takes a lot of time and thinking too!

I’m going now for my surf class hahah talk to you soon, let’s keep in touch! 😉

architecture studio in the USA

Víctor de Andres


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