New York City is the most populated, famous and visited city in the US… and in the whole world too. We all want to live here -and we can do that thanks to Architect-US- or at least visit it once in our lifetime.
New York and the american urbanism.
But New York is not an accurate archetype of the United States urbanism. Is a dense city where most of the people live in apartments. It is far from the image we all have about the USA with those endless neighborhoods of houses surrounded by gardens where the only way to move is by car.
Fortunately, we have those kinds of cities very close to NY. If we have a good weather we can spend a day in Connecticut. For this, we only have to go to Grand Central, so we can already enjoy the experience of taking a train in this beautiful train station and take the first time to New Heaven.
How to go to Greenwich, Connecticut.
There are a lot of trains all along the day. For buying the tickets it’s very simple. You only need to download the app “Traintime”, choose Grand Central as origin and a random point in Connecticut as destiny. I went to Darien and Greenwich this week because of work, and I love those places, specially Greenwich. Furthermore, I think this time of the year is the best because trees are more beautiful than ever because of autumn. Once you live the NYC metro area, you start to see those houses with their gardens surrounded by forests and rivers.
Greenwich for example is a very quiet place where you can walk and explore. It is surprising the fact of having a quiet place like that so close to NY, of one the busiest cities in the world. Other advantage is that Greenwich is on the coast so you can see the sea! I let you some photos!