
The amazing green rectangle

It´s a kind of Magic!

Everyone knows that NYC is a busy city and that garbage bags are part of the city´s landscape.
However, there is a place in the center of Manhattan that is kind of special, kind of magic… that is like a sanctuary that people take care of and protect… This place is The Central Park!!!
Like a green bubble splashed in the middle of the concrete, the Park’s 341 hectares of woodlands, lawns, and water are inhabited by squirrelschipmunksraccoonopossums and many kinds of birds. Trees and vines were planted during the building of the Park, and today there are more than 26,000 trees. 
During the day, the park is also inhabited by a lot of people that enjoy all the possible activities and sports that you can do across the green rectangle. Its location is perfect and allows New Yorkers to enjoy it! Central Park as his micro world and life…You can run, ride a bike, play volleyball, baseball, softball or even swim during the summer or ice skate during the winter. 
During the Summer it´s also the stage for many kinds of music concerts and charity events.
The Central Park is the New York´s Super Star and is the most visited urban park in the United States.  It was declared a National Historic Landmark in 1964 and a New York City Landmark in 1974.
The Park is currently managed by the Central Park Conservancy under contract with the municipal government in a public-private partnership.
You can find some curiosities and fun facts about it in Mental Floss or Central Park Tours websites or find out what´s is happening in the Central Park Conservancy website.

Enjoy this little green world! 



Margarida Cleto


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