Hello everyone!!
Last week I went to a baseball game, Yankees versus Minnesota Twins, to the Yankees Stadium at 161 Street Stop with the D and B trains. We chose that game because they were offering free Yankees T-shirts (anybody would reject a souvenir fro free). We got there at 7 pm, but it was raining so much that I thought the game would be cancelled. Nonetheless, the players jumped to the field and among the noise made by the applauses from the crowd, we seated almost next to the field.
Before starting the game, everyone at the Stadium got up when the anthem started to sound. With a hand on their hears, everybody was singing or looking up with pride and emotion. That was such a magical moment for me. Then, the game started and that is when my friends and I started to ask each other: » Well, who knows the rules here?»
I played Baseball at School in Spain, so I remembered the main rules, but as the game was taking place, we got lo learn more about strategies and players behavior, just by observation. We got very excited when a couple of balls were passing over our heads, and wondering when there was a pitcher change.
Though the season is almost over (or that is what I have been told), I highly recommend the experience, but also it would be good if you knew the rules beforehand in order to understand the game from the beginning!