Life in the U.S. FALLINGWATTER HOUSE This month, I had the privilege of visiting Frank Lloyd... Ana FornellTrainee at IAENew York
Life in the U.S. The Richard Gilder Center Where Architecture Meets Nature So, I recently had the chance to... Ana FornellTrainee at IAENew York
Life in the U.S. Pocono Mountains Reconnecting with Nature As the powerful summer sun bore down on New... Ana FornellTrainee at IAENew York
Life in the U.S. A JOURNEY THROUGH BOWERY STREET EXPLORING THE SOUL OF NEW YORK CITY. New York City is a place that... Ana FornellTrainee at IAENew York
Life in the U.S. MY FIRST MONTH It has been an exciting month for me as a young architect, and I am... Ana FornellTrainee at IAENew York
Life in the U.S. The End of a Beautiful Chapter in my life. As my program has come to an end, I’m finding myself reflecting on... Ana FornellTrainee at IAENew York
Landing in the U.S. ONEIRIC EXPERIENCE BEFORE MOVING TO NEW JERSEY AS AN ARCHITECT J1 VISA Hi there, I can... Ana FornellTrainee at IAENew York