Photo by Jeremy Bishop

The 4 best tips you never hear that will give you an edge for your interviews

If you are considering joining our Program, our Selection Committee will look through your work meticulously to determine any additions or changes that can be made so that your Portfolio and CV truly shines and exemplifies the talents you acquired in your academic and professional career. We will provide you with recommendations that we’ve seen to be successful for candidates trying to land a job in the States and help you make the changes necessary so that you can land an interview. We’ve already shared several posts on the do and don’ts in an interview and we have shared other tips that can help you in your interviews. However, for this post we want to share with you tips that you don’t usually hear that will give you the leverage that you’ve been looking for.

1. Consider Vulnerability

You can always ask your employer for advice. More often than not, applicants always feel that they have to present themselves as the know-it-all, even if it is done with some modesty. While having that confidence can be good, it is also good to put yourself in a state of vulnerability and share the admiration for the company and the work that they do.  If there is a company that you really like, it is important that you also focus on making a connection with the people that you want to work for way before you begin your applications. Seek for their advice and make sure that you prepare yourself for those qualities that they’ve been looking for.

2. Listen

Many times, applicants get caught up in trying to present their work and what they feel that the employer is looking for. It is important that you also take the time to listen to what they have to say. A powerful tool that you will be able to apply throughout your career is the ability to successfully carry out a conversation. You will only be able to do that if you take the time to listen to what others have to say. That way you will manage to build a rapport with them, and you will know when it is your queue to talk, when to stop, and when it is your turn to ask the questions.

3. Build a relationship with the administrative assistant

This is a tool that is typically overseen. Once you begin your job hunt and begin sending out applications, a great resource could be to build relationships with other members of their design or HR team at any levels. This is particularly true when it comes to the assistant. They know the manager’s and the decision maker’s- schedules, their preferences, and what it is that they are looking for. Establishing a connection with them could take you a long way when it comes to application time.

4. Body Language

I’m sure that you’ve thought about this before when you were presenting your work in finals, and it is as much true now as it was then. Body language will go a long way in an interview.  Employers know that you are probably nervous coming in to interview for them, but any small adjustments that you can make so that you exhibit confidence and credibility will help you immensely. Watch out for the way that you are using your hands and your posture. You don’t want to be covering your mouth or your face and you don’t want to be slouching either. Make sure that you sit straight and that address the questions they throw your way with confidence.

If you want to read other great tips that we have than can help you in your interview process or in your applications make sure that you visit our Job Application tips section in our Blog. At Architect-US Career Training Program we want to lead you obtaining your American dream offer and we are always there for any questions that you may have.



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