Going around Florida discovering surprising cities is the most exiting part of my trainee program!I am going to tell you my visit to St. Petersburg Florida.
If you plan to visit to St. Petersburg Florida you cannot miss The Dalì Museum as well as the characteristic Gulfport district.
At The Dalì Museum you can enjoy the most important and completed collection of Salvador Dalì artworks out of Europe. The Museum is placed in an exceptional waterfront setting and it is the first (if you love art) attraction of the city. Here there are many Dalì’s paintings from every moment of his artistic career, original drawings, book illustrations, prints, sculpture, and photos that capture his eclectic view of the art.
A hint…before getting out, turn around and take a look at the «Gala Contemplating the Mediterranean Sea«…and say goodbye to Abraham Lincoln. Amusing!
If you wanna have fun you cannot miss the GeckoFest in the Gulfport district. This is not only a small-town street festival, but rather a circus-like event with street performers, groovy music, and a lot of people (let’s say ALL people J) dressed in crazy and weird costumes…it will seem to be back in 70’s!