
Florida rainy season

I tell you, during the last two months it has been raining every single afternoon. And are not a few drops, it is really pouring every time with amazing light storms.

The image that people usually have about Florida is that is a sunny place, people wear swimsuit and cap, and you can go to the beach all year round. Well, this is partially true because the average weather is very comfortable but this is not always true during the summer.

Summer is very hot, humidity is very high and I tell you, during the last two months it has been raining every single afternoon. And are not a few drops, it is really pouring every time with amazing light storms. It will be the same until summer ends.

The good part is that once you get used, just need to know that during the afternoon, at some point you will need some covering.  So you know now, if you are thinking on visiting Florida this summer, better bring an umbrella!

Rosa Llabrés


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