
Movie Premiere Hollywood

Inside the theater all the food and drinks were free and everybody was well dressed. The movie was funny and some of the actors were present and signing autographs.

Living in Los Angeles allows you being part in all types of activities. This week I had the chance of participating to a movie premiere. In Hollywood, the movie industry is taken very seriously and the events around it are funny to attend. The process of getting tickets was free but very long. It started more than a month before the event. I had to fill up a lot of personal information and was on waiting list for more than a week.

While the process was long it was well worth it. I had access to a red carpet event in the famous Chinese Theater of Hollywood Boulevard. The event was very controlled, I had to bring my ID as well as follow a dress code. Inside the theater all the food and drinks were free and everybody was well dressed. The movie was funny and some of the actors were present and signing autographs. I was very exciting to have a glimpse inside the hollywood lifestyle.

Alizée Auvray


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