
The best tips on making an impressive CV

We all know how important is a good CV to get a job. Most of the employers (or the HR Departments if the Firm is big enough) receive hundreds of résumés and have so little time to read all of them, so it’s compulsory to have an attractive CV to make an impact.

So, to make the difference and stand out among your competitors, we bring you some tips to make a successful CV!

Good Presentation

It seems pretty obvious but your CV must be clear, structured and well printed (in case you give it in person and not via e-mail). And please, it must be clean! A fat or a coffee stain is like a punch straight to the recruiter’s face.

And have this in mind: the upper middle area of the first page is where you must include your most important information.

The shortest, the better

What did we say about how little time the recruiters have? If your CV has so many pages that it can pass as your biography, be sure they wont read it! They read the résumés in a couple of minutes and so, due to their experience, they know if you¡re the best for the required position. Again, structure an clarity are fundamental, so as concision. Maybe you’ve worked a lot in different places, but you have to select those professional experiences that are most relevant.

A maximum of two pages of A4 paper is the general advice.

 Adapt your résumé

A generic CV is easy to identify and don’t make a good impression, the firms want to feel that they’re the only ones. And, if you cause that impression, you’ll become the only one for the job!

It’s not necesary to change everything, only adapt the content to every potential employer and tailor the CV to make it unique and specific. On Internet you will find a lot of different CV templates and shortly we’ll write a post about the subject. Stay tuned!

Tips on writing a good CV

 Update it!

Again, it seems pretty obvious, but you cannot imagine how many CV’S are sent with a wrong date or with skills that candidates no longer have. From time to time, add new skill and experiences that you’ve recently acquired, and if those experiences are related to volunteering or special and interesting architectural projects that can cause a good impression, don’t doubt it, put it! Employers like that their employees have social concerns.

Attach References

It can be written by a previous boss, a college professor, a colleague…, but it should be someone with enough authority in the field  and willing to help you and praise you if your fututre employer call him to know about you.

A reference letter is incredibly helpful.

Unlikely to what we said about the résumé’s number of pages, when it comes to the reference letter, the more, the better; at least, two.

Include your portfolio

In the Architecture and Engineering fields the portfolio is even more critical than the CV. But we already wrote a post about that: Recommendations to make your architecture portfolio

PORTFOLIO Marya Filatova



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