
Discovering NYC and architecture

I arrived mid-November. The first couple of days were very busy with all kinds of boring stuff, such as getting an American phone number, opening a bank account, or getting my social security number.

The next challenge was finding an accommodation. I am lucky enough as my cousin lives in the city, I got to stay with her until I found something. And thus start the hunt.

New York has many laws regarding renting, which makes it very difficult for internationals to find an accommodation with going through a third-party. Thankfully, for short-term, there always is the option of sub-letting. Much easier, I recommend it for people staying for six months. And so, after two weeks of constantly checking new offers, sending messages and being left on read, I got to visit this really cute apartment.

Slightly above the budget I was planning on spending, I still decided to at least visit the place. Only after seeing the neighborhood and meeting my soon-to-be roommates, I decided to take it. Maybe it was also because I knew a couple of people were supposed to come visit later during the day that made me decide even faster. Anyways, I got it!

As for the internship, it’s starting really nicely. The office is small, we are only four workers. But I really enjoy the atmosphere. Two of my colleagues are a couple years older than me, which really allows me to be much more comfortable.

My first week consisted mostly of building the model. Sounds like an easy job, but after doing a bachelor through covid, I forgot one could not fix their mistakes via photoshop in real life. The fact that they use feet/inches here also does not help. And so, I found myself either struggling in cutting foam board without cutting myself or measuring the wrong distance. However, everyone is being very patient with me and ready to help whenever I need it!


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