Good Afternoon, everybody!
today I want to talk about food. let’s start by this picture: the iconic Campbell ‘soup can! As you can imagine,taking this picture was on my to do list once landed in America. I remember when at the age of 13 I had my first meeting with the pop-art in the classroom during my art-history class. the easy but at the same time subversive idea of new art stunned me and since that time I had the desire to investigate the history of the art as my profession can tell.
During my first trip to the U.S.A, I went to the MoMa and there I finally saw for the first time one of the 32 picture of the series. I am telling you this story because this icon picture that represents the united states all over the word is strictly connected to another hallmarks of this country that is the food, the not- healthy food, the so-called fast food.
living here means even be hemmed by fast food stores so much that they became a symbol of united states landscapes along with the gas stations, however the real entrapment is not represented by them but non the less by the supermarket.
the supermarket here are HUGE, everything need to be big to be fairly American but what is the price for all this abundance? to fulfill all those shelves, to give choice, to let you be part of this system, the shelves are full of things that are far from being considered food. there is no quality but a lot of saturated fat.
it is hard to be an aware costumer here, infact you must learn how to read the label if you want be healthy and stay well.
In spite of this, one day I went to the supermarket to accomplish another thing to do on my list: take a picture of the so famous campell’s cans!
I enjoy the moment, hope you like that picture.